Sun in Leo
A very creative month for all Leos. Dealings with plays, theatres and live performances concerning secondary education and competitions involving the theatrical side of the Leo person. Leo people are the rulers of the stage, film, videos, script writing and directing. They rule the world of stage. This is the month for one's name to be in lights. You will be highly functional and full of energy and positiveness. Sport is also strong this month and there will be a journey to be a spectator of archery, swimming and sailing. Lucky numbers are 5, 22, 25 & 36. There is a colour called pear and you need to find the colour so you can find that Ted bear. I think Ted may be under the bed, but then again, Ted could be here or maybe there?
Sun in Sagittarius
This month is a good month to travel and explore the country environment. For those Sagittarius people who are thinking of starting a family, it will be the right time to start or consider starting within the next 6 months. Promotion at work is indicated here and also buying new furniture for the house is possible. A good month to take a cruise down the Murray River or a river that leads to a new way of life. This month will see quite a few Sagittarius people being involved with horse racing and carnival events. There could be the odd famous person drop through the life of a Sagittarius person. Lucky numbers are 10, 19, 22 & 29. Wearing the colour brown will bring luck and plenty of money will be found by just looking around.